Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tea Cakes

I saw a post the other day about tea cakes here and made me think...hmmm I should do my favorite recipe for Tea Cakes.  These are tried and true...the best recipe ever if you ask me, Chris, my dad, or any of our neighbors that we've taken them too.  This is super simple to make and oh so yummy. 

Hazel Jone's Tea Cakes

2 eggs
2/3 cup oil
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups self rising flour
2 teaspoons vanilla flavoring

Beat eggs, add sugar, and oil.  Add flour (small amounts at a time).  Add vanilla, mix.  Drop small amounts on a greased Cookie Sheet.  Bake at 350 degrees til light brown.   I think they are better warm...and I like the batter too!

Here is the dough ready to be dropped!

I use a rubber baking mat (makes for easier clean-up and I don't have to use pam)!

Best Tea Cakes Ever!

All packaged up and ready to deliver to our neighbors :)

Just a little side note...if you are taking your child with you to deliver cookies/sweets to your neighbors be sure to take them a bag of the same sweets too, if not your child I might eat all of the goodies before getting there.  I know from experience :)

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