Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hot Wing Dip

So together Chris and I decided to start a blog about what we love...FOOD!  Chris came up with the name Menu Maybes because maybe these recipes will make it on our menu. Chris and I both love to cook and we LOVE to eat!  Chris is the one that gets in the kitchen looks around to see what we have and he can whip up something tasty within a few minutes.  Me?  I need a recipe and time to prepare.  We love to find new recipes which is why we started this blog.  We've found a few really good recipes lately so I thought why not share them with everyone.  I love finding new recipes someone has already tried and commented on.  So here is our blog, hope you enjoy it and hope you find something that you will love and make over and over again. So with all that out of the way here goes our first recipe!  Enjoy.

So the other day while at the dollar store I found a little recipe book with lots of coupons.  I saw a recipe for Hot Wing Dip and I just knew Chris would love it! 

Here is the recipe:

1 8 oz. package of cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup ranch or blue cheese dressing (I used ranch)
1/2 cup hot sauce (we use Frank's red hot sauce)
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
1 can chicken (we use Tyson)

Combine all the ingredients and mix well.  Place in dish and bake at 350 degrees until cheese is bubbly!

Here is the mixture before I added it to the dish

Here is how it looked when it came out of the oven.

So you might wonder what you would eat with this?  Well it says serve with crackers, which we did last night but we ate ours with pizza.  It was just like eating Hot Wings and Pizza!

Hope you enjoy this recipe; we sure did!

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